Security - POSTTechnologies
Telecom security
We help network operators defend their own network, protect their customers, safeguard their revenues and margins against fraudulent and security attacks.

All our products and services
Our team of experts continuously works to provide our customers with the best possible protection in the ever-changing world of fraud prevention and cyber security. Through our position in the telecom industry, we fully understand the importance of a robust security infrastructure as well as dedicated and reactive team of experts. It is why our services and solutions cover a wide range of risk areas and challenges impacting the network operators.
We asses in real time the network vulnerability to fraudulent and cyber security attacks. Pentesting, adversary simulation, phishing campaigns simulations, bypass, tracking and much more.
Discover the TID’s solution

Our 24/7 Security Operations Centre monitors, detects, and alerts in real time security threats to your network.
Discover the TSS’s solutionCAPIO
POST’s own fraud management system that analyses operator traffic to detect fraudulent patterns and prevent fraud cases in real-time to minimize financial risks and to protect its customers.

Why work with us
Specialist know-how
Our solution is developed by an operator for operators. Our solutions are developed inhouse and based on our experience as an MNO.
We are 100% state owned and without other telco group ownership. This guarantees our business independence, stability, and sustainability.
Flexibility and scalability
We offer multiple options to deliver our solutions. We propose our solution as local deployments or fully hosted in a SAAS mode in order to fit all types and sizes of telecom operators around the world.
Active contributor
We are a recognised and active contributor in various industry working groups such as GSMA Fraud Forum, ETIS, ETNO among others. We also participate in international conferences to share our knowledge and experience.

Some key numbers
Here are some key figures about POST cyber security performance:
200 M SIM
We monitor more than 200millions SIM cards
>30 networks
We have tested over 30 networks globally. Some several time over
200k attacks
On a weekly basis, we detect over 200k attack attempts to the networks we monitor
On 5 continents, our teams support operators globally, Europe, Asia, Africa, America, and Middle East
Why choose us?
The wholesale organisation of POST Luxembourg Group operates POST Fixed and Mobile telecommunication networks as well as the national and international connectivity for local and foreign operators.